The latest AI news in just 3 minutes.
Edition #51 - April 23rd 2021
This week :
some good resources to learn AI and data
some beautiful artificial waves
a huge chinese dataset released
💸 Free unlimited access through April 30!
Until April 30, DataCamp offers unlimited courses, projects, assessments, and more. Try it!
🌊 This AI Makes Beautiful Videos From Your Images!
A practical tutorial and brief overview of the milestones in the field of image captioning with attention models.
📚 Transform document image analysis pipelines with the full power of Deep Learning.
Researchers have built 'LayoutParser', software to make it easier to create both large-scale and light-weight document digitization pipelines: detect the layout of a page, recognize written characters, and store the parsed things in some carefully designed data structures.
🌈 Facebook tries to make fairer AI systems by creating a more diverse dataset
Facebook has created a dataset, Casual Conversations, of 45,186 videos of 3,011 different humans having conversations with eachother. The dataset is notable because of its emphasis on diversity - Casual Conversations.
🇨🇳 Baidu releases a massive translation dataset
Chinese web giant Baidu has released BSTC, the Baidu Speech Translation Corpus. BSTC contains 68 hours of Mandarin speech data along with manual translations into English, as well as transcripts generated via automatic speech recognition.
👩🎓 Scikit-Learn has its own mooc
The goal of this course is to teach machine learning with scikit-learn to beginners, even without a strong technical background.
🇫🇷 French Touch
💊 Facebook AI et le HZM et les effets des combinaisons de médicaments
Dans le cadre d’une recherche collaborative entre le centre de recherche allemand Helmholtz Zentrum München (HZM) et Facebook AI, un modèle d’intelligence artificielle a été conçu afin de prévoir les effets des combinaisons de médicaments, leurs dosages, leur planification.
🏭 Google Cloud et Siemens pour des solutions d’IA dans les usines
Afin d’optimiser les processus d’usine et améliorer la productivité dans les ateliers, Google s'associe à Siemens. Le but ...
🖥️ Le supercalculateur Fugaku et un modèle d’IA face aux tsunamis
Fujitsu, RIKEN, l’Université Tohoku et l’Université de Tokyo ont travaillé ensemble pour développer une technologie d’IA dépendante du supercalculateur Fugaku et capable de prédire instantanément les inondations dues au tsunami.
#Tsunami #Baidu #ScikitLearn #DataCamp #FacebookAI
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Have a good week-end,
Maxime 🙃 (others are coming soon 😁) from Toulouse, France with 🌸
FocusAI is curated and maintained by Maxime Pawlak.
If you need help on a data project or have a suggestion for the newsletter, reply back to or find me on Twitter @Maxime_Pawlak.