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Edition #62 - July 9th 2021
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😷 AI systems can identify people even when they're wearing masks
The International Joint Conference on Biometrics hosted the 'Masked Face Recognition' (MFR) competition. The overall winner of the competition was a system named TYAI, developed by TYAI, a Chinese AI company. Second place went to systems from the University of the Basque Country in Spain, as well as Istanbul Technical University in Turkey.
🚦 Traffic signals controlled by AI are keeping vehicles rolling citywide
Several U.S. cities are testing systems from Israel-based startup NoTraffic that promise to cut both commute times and carbon emissions. The system optimizes intersections and coordinate traffic signals throughout a city.
🌍 Gravitational Wave Detection
In this Kaggle competition, you'll build a model to analyze simulated GW time-series data from a network of Earth-based detectors to help detect GW signals from the mergers of binary black holes.
🤖 Researchers from Microsoft and global leading universities study the ‘offensive AI’ threat
AIs are beneficial tools but are indiscriminate in also providing assistance to individuals and groups that set out to cause harm.
👶 Researchers explore how children learn language
New research pinpoints how young children quickly learn language, opening new paths to leverage for machine learning.
🔪 Training home assistant robots with faster simulation
Facebook AI presents Habitat 2.0: a next-generation simulation platform that lets AI researchers teach machines not only to navigate through photo-realistic 3D virtual environments but also to interact with objects.
🇫🇷 French touch
👓 Le machine learning pour anticiper les suicides
Chez les 15-24 ans et chez les étudiants, le suicide est la seconde cause de mortalité. L’INSERM et l’Université de Bordeaux ont exploité l’IA pour comprendre ce phénomène et ont identifié quatre indicateurs qui prédisent avec précision le risque suicidaire chez les jeunes et les étudiants.
#FacebookAI #TrafficSignals #Kaggle #Suicide
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Have a good week-end,
Mirai 🐖, Verónica 🐕, Jwan 🐱 , Maxime 🙃 from Toulouse, France with 🌸