The latest AI news in just 3 minutes.
Week 39, Sept. 25th
🐰 Portland & Facial Recognition
Portland approves strictest ban on facial recognition technology in the U.S.
🏟️ Sports Analytics
Last week, I introduced a course about Soccer and Analytics. This week, let me share with you these resources about Sport Analytics: Coding for Sports Analytics: Resources to Get Started.
📺 Youtube & Conspiracy
Youtube wants to clean up its platform and algorithm by fighting misinformation.
🥕 Amazon Fresh
Amazon's first Fresh grocery shop is now open to the public, using the Dash Cart, a highly connected cart.
☀️ AI and Solar Energy Powered Mayflower
ProMare and IBM have launched an AI and solar-powered ship after two years of designing, construction, and AI model training.
🤖 AutoKeras
You know Keras, right? The famous library on top of TensorFlow (among others). AutoKeras is an AutoML system based on Keras.
🇫🇷 The French Touch
8 startups et PME françaises lauréates de l’appel à projets EUREKA – Challenge international COVID-19
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#FacialRecognition #Amazon #Sports #AutoKeras
Have a good week-end,
Maxime 🙃, from Toulouse, France with 🌸
FocusAI is curated and maintained by Maxime Pawlak. If you need help on a data project or have a suggestion for the newsletter, reply back to or find me on Twitter @Maxime_Pawlak.